Jennifer Bush

President & Independent Educational Consultant

Trained under Virginia Bush, the company’s founder, Jennifer began her career in educational consulting in the 1990s focusing on VJB & Associates clients in the United States and Europe. In 2008, Jennifer broadened VJB’s reach by launching VJB & Associates-Asia Pacific, in order to provide educational placement services to Asian-based students and families. Jennifer now oversees the thriving domestic and international practices, focusing on fit as the key factor in school placement.

Jennifer is a long-standing advocate of U.S. private day schools and boarding schools and universities and understands the intricacies of finding the right-school fit for each child. She works closely with students and families to best maximize each child’s development and future success. Having attended private day and boarding schools in the United States, Jennifer intimately understands how to navigate a successful educational placement experience. Jennifer is a Professional Member of IECA .With her worldwide experience, Jennifer was elected to the IECA Global Committee and is the current IECA Chair of ASEAN Nations Regional Group (Singapore, Indonesia, Vietnam, Laos, Brunei, Thailand, Myanmar, the Philippines, Cambodia, and Malaysia). She is also a member of the IECA NYC Day School Consultants, New York ,Westchester and Connecticut Regional Groups. Jennifer is a long standing Associate Member of EMA (Enrollment Management Association) and TABS (The Association of Boarding Schools).